Action Plan To Achieve Your Goals
After assessing where changes can be made to grow the business, then setting goals to increase owner income and business profits, plus establishing activity goals, the next step is to develop a plan to achieve your goals, I like to call it your Action Plan.
This is Step 2 in the 3-Step Business Development Program.
The plan does not need to be complex, it should be practical and easy to follow, not the type of business plan used to obtain funds from a lending institution (bank), which tends to be complex and rarely followed.
Based on our discussions and possibly having completed a full Business Opportunity Assessment will determine the extent of the plan I will develop. Let me explain ….
There are times when conducting an assessment the business growth potential is huge, for example:
I recently assessed a company where the two owners had a good income, they both worked in the business but often found themselves putting money back in until the next good revenue period arrived. Then they would reimburse themselves.
They have been in business for many years. Operating Profit was all but zero, and business value was also zero.
I completed a Business Opportunity Assessment and discovered the true potential of the business. It was massive. In three years they could achieve a business value of $2,000,000, an operating profit of just over $550,000.
I was able to show this client exactly how it can be achieved and they were amazed at how easy it was going to be.
The result was truly incredible, the following financial year the business had achieved an Operating Profit of $200,000, and increased business value to in excess of $800,000
Depending on the dynamics of your business will depend on the size and scope of the Action Plan I will develop for you, however, you are assured it will not be complex and easy to implement.
We are ready for action, we have ….
- Completed a business opportunity assessment.
- Established our Goals via the Profit Accelerator Program.
- Developed a practical and easy-to-follow Action Plan to achieve your business goals.
The next and final step in the process is To Guide The Business To Success.
Does this sound like what you are looking for? If ‘Yes’ then click on the button below, after all, you have nothing to lose, but you may be on your path to greater business success.