Opportunity Assessment
So many business owners are, figuratively speaking, sitting on a gold mine, it just needs a bit of ‘digging’ to find it.
Regrettably, many business people today are hopelessly lost.
Not only are they lost, but they’re drowning as well – drowning in a sea of work, problems, issues, and complexities. Not to mention, delivering on the ever-demanding requests of customers, beating the competition, coping with expanding bureaucratic requests, tending to staff issues, negotiating with suppliers, keeping up with technology and competing with the world.
The simple fact for many business owners/managers is that they’ve been so darn busy “doing” the business that they’ve lost sight of where both they and their business are heading.
Many business owners have lost contact with the “dream” they had when they first went into business. Many of course, never had a dream in the first place.
And, whilst these poor souls know they’re lost, they are resolute in their understanding of one issue – they don’t enjoy being lost and not knowing where they are going, all the while working insane hours for a mere pittance of what they’re worth or deserve.
It just does not have to be this way. If you want more from your business, then your first step is to discover what you can achieve through your business.
The Process.
First, we will have a discussion and then decide on the the next step.
You may be looking to increase Business Revenue, Owner Income and Operating Profit, and should the emphasis be on sales and marketing, in which case we can directly advance to the 3-Step Business Development Program.
However, more complex issues may exist, and it may be decided a full Opportunity Assessment is required.
Business Opportunity Assessment
The business opportunity assessment is a comprehensive business diagnostic tool, this is how it works…
There are a lot of dynamics at play in your business, these include;
- Marketing
- Your target market
- Selling
- Productivity
- Profit margins
- How, and what you measure within your business
- Business expenses
- Your business goals (if you have any)
I have several processes I use to help me obtain the information I require. One of which is the ‘Where Am I Now’ Business Diagnostic Tool, which is a comprehensive discovery program.
When completed I will show you the potential of your business.
We will establish your business goals via the Profit Accelerator Program (Step 1), develop a Plan To Achieve Your Goals (Step 2), and then implement the plan.
Then together we will – Guide The Business To Success, and monitor progress (Step 3).
Is there an investment involved in conducting a Business Opportunity Assessment? That depends, in most instances ‘No’, however, depending on the dynamics of the business, there may be a fee, this is discussed at our initial meeting, either online or face-to-face.
By asking for a chat, you have nothing to lose, but a lot to gain, so don’t delay, drop me a line today.