Productivity – Increase The Effectiveness Of Your Staff And Rake In The Cash.
This BDM is so named because in our experience too many business people fail to grasp the significance of the difference between the words – Activity and Result .
Any commercial business gets remunerated only when it delivers a result for which the customer is happy to pay.
Thus, it makes sense for you to head every available resource (material, labour, technology and capital) within the business towards the attainment of the desired result .
There is an excellent chance that much of your labour resource is not focused on the desired result – it is being dissipated in activity, which of itself does not produce a result.
In fact, there is an excellent chance that staff members do not appreciate the difference between these two words and it is your duty to explain it to them.
You must ensure that your staff are focusing on the result at all times and do not become bogged down in meaningless activity. Put another way, they are most effective when their focus is on the result.